Made With Creative Commons is a book about sharing. It is about sharing textbooks, music, data, art, and more. People, organizations, and businesses all over the world are sharing their work using Creative Commons licenses because they want to encourage the public to reuse their works, to copy them, to modify them. They are Made with Creative Commons.
But if they are giving their work away to the public for free, how do they make money?
This is the question this book sets out to answer. There are 24 in-depth examples of different ways to sustain what you do when you share your work. And there are lessons, about how to make money but also about what sharing really looks like — why we do it and what it can bring to the economy and the world.
About Creative Commons
Creative Commons helps anyone share their knowledge and creativity with simple, legal permissions to build a more equitable, accessible, and innovative world. They work with communities around the world to create a vibrant, usable commons powered by collaboration and gratitude.
With a network of staff, board, and communities around the world, Creative Commons is a growing global movement, helping people share and collaborate. Creative Commons licenses and tools have been used on more than 1.1 billion works, and are used in global movements in open access, education, open data, arts and culture, and more.
About the authors
Paul Stacey is Associate Director of Global Learning at Creative Commons. As an educator and new venture startup specialist, Paul thrives at making visible the possible and bringing new possibilities to life. Creating good in the world and having a good bottom line are core to his vision and work.
Sarah Hinchliff Pearson is Senior Counsel at Creative Commons. As a copyright lawyer with a journalism background, this project has furthered her lifelong interest in the future of the arts and media.
Background photo on frontpage banner by Kristina Alexanderson, CC BY.
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