
Lifting the veil on our next book project: Sneum’s Kalejdoskop

After a few months of work it is now time to lift the veil on our next project: “Sneum’s Kalejdoskop” (Danish title) is the vision of creating a multimedial book publication, which accounts for legendary Danish music journalist Jan Sneum’s journey through music history, and via his memoirs presents a unique segment of Danish music…

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Vi løfter sløret for næste bogprojekt: Sneum’s Kalejdoskop

Efter nogle måneders arbejde i kulissen er det nu på tide at løfte sløret for vores næste projekt: “Sneum’s Kalejdoskop” er visionen om at skabe en multimedial bogudgivelse, der samler op på musikjournalist Jan Sneums livslange rejse gennem musikken og, gennem hans erindringer, præsenterer et unikt uddrag af dansk musikshistorie gennem billeder, tekst, video og…

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Exploring the future format for books

How can books become platforms of collaboration through community building and open licensing? ‘Made With Creative Commons’ is a book publishing experiment that explores this question. It is clear that our information digestion patterns have changed dramatically in the recent 20 years with the advent of the Internet: information is abundant, cheap, fast-paced and, as…

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