
Exploring the future format for books

How can books become platforms of collaboration through community building and open licensing? ‘Made With Creative Commons’ is a book publishing experiment that explores this question. It is clear that our information digestion patterns have changed dramatically in the recent 20 years with the advent of the Internet: information is abundant, cheap, fast-paced and, as…

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Focus on projects from Made With Creative Commons

These days Creative Commons, the organization behind the licenses of the business models and projects presented in our book Made With Creative Commons, a series of articles featuring the entrepreneurs and businesses from the book. Figshare, Cards Against Humanity, Cory Doctorow, Ártica and many more are features through chapters from the book made into articles on…

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Fokus på projekter fra Made With Creative Commons

I disse uger kører Creative Commons, den organisation som står bag licenserne bag de forretningsmodeller og projekter som vores bog Made With Creative Commons sætter fokus på, en serie artikler om de iværksættere og virksomheder, som er med i bogen. Figshare, Cards Against Humanity, Cory Doctorow, Ártica og mange flere vises frem ved at bringe…

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